Here modified rules and expanded Nuimina for use with PC Ghosts in the New World of Darkness. ALOT of it is based on Wraith, obviously. I'd be interested in any input you might have.

NWoD Ghost Traits

          Pathos represents the anger, frustration or deep emotion that keeps the Ghost tied to this world. This is both the emotional energy of the deceased and the collective emotions of those that remember and mourn the spirit. Pathos determines a Ghosts maximum Essence trait and how much Essence it can spend in a single turn. Truly powerful Ghosts may possess much more Power, Finesse & Resistance, based on the power of the Ghost’s Pathos.
Effects of Pathos
                             Attribute/Skill/                     Max Essence/Max
Pathos                      Numina Maximum                    Essence per Turn

1                                   5                                  10/1   
2                                   5                                  11/2
3                                   5                                  12/3   
4                                   5                                  13/4
5                                   5                                  14/5   
6                                   6                                  15/6   
7                                   7                                  20/7  
8                                   8                                  30/8  
9                                   9                                  50/10 
10                                  10                                 100/15

NWoD Ghost Merits 
          Memoriam represents the number of mortals that still remember and perhaps mourn the Ghost. It could be memorials, tombstones, celebrations of the departed, anything that evokes the memory, and the emotions tied to that memory, of the departed. While these remembrances seem primarily for the living that the Ghost left behind, the spirit benefits from them as well. This outpouring of emotional energy replenishes the Ghost’s essence to a much greater degree than simply being in the presence of its Anchors.
          When the Ghost is low on essence, the player may roll a number of dice equal to this merit. Each success adds one to the Ghost’s essence, as a family member thinks of, mourns or otherwise remembers the Ghost. If the die pool is rolled while the Ghost is within reach of one of its Anchors, the Ghost can add a number of dice equal to the Anchors rating, to the die pool.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifiers      Situation
-2             One of the people that remembered the Ghost has died in the last month.
-1             The Ghost is more than (Power x 10) yards from it’s nearest Anchor.
+1             The Ghost is in the graveyard where it’s body is buried or where there is a burial plot and headstone for the spirit..
+2             The Ghost has been recognized by someone it knew it in the current scene.
          Anchors are objects or places that tie a Ghost to the physical world and prevent it from moving on to the Spirit realm. Every Ghost has at least one Anchor but more powerful spirits may have more. The number and nature of these Anchors depends on the individual and the circumstances surrounding his death. In most cases, the Anchor is a physical place or object that held great emotional significance to the Ghost during its mortal existence. An elderly woman who spent her last years confined to a bed might become anchored to the bed or bedroom.  A man who carried a valuable pocket watch wherever he went might become a Ghost anchored to that watch, haunting those who come to possess it. Occasionally, Ghosts can become anchored to people rather than objects. A father whose last thoughts were for the welfare of his children may be anchored tothem, watching over them in death as he did in life. A woman murdered by a jilted lover may find her ghost anchored to him, sustained by a bitter desire for revenge.
          Ghosts must usually remain close to their anchors at all times. A ghost may travel up to 10 yards from its anchors per dot of Base Power that it possesses. Ghosts tied to a physical location measure this distance from the boundaries of this location.
          Anchors make it easier for a Ghost to use many of its Numina, adding the Anchor’s rating to die pools for that power (see the individual listings).
          If a Ghost has multiple Anchors, the Ghost may spend a Willpower point and jump from one to another, regardless of distance, allowing the Ghost to safeguard its Anchors.
          Should a Ghosts Anchor(s) be alters through sanctification, exorcism or destruction, The Ghost can no longer remain in the physical world & passes on to the Spirit World. If the Ghost possesses multiple Anchors, it may make a Pathos roll to avoid this fate, as long as at least one other Anchor still exists. If the roll is successful, the Ghost does not pass on, though its Morality is reduced by the rating of this Anchor – 1.
          A Ghost cannot begin with more total dots in Anchor merits than it has in Mortality

NWoD Ghost Numina
 Ghost-Walking (flight)

 *              Locate
                  By concentrating on the emotional ties that exist between a Ghost and his Anchors, the Ghost may sense the direction and distance to an Anchor, as well as it’s general well being.
          Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Composure + Pathos + Anchor Rating
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost is briefly separated from his Anchors and is confused, due to the sudden separation. The Ghost is unable to take any actions for one full turn.
Failure: The Ghost is unable to “feel” the Anchor.
Success: The ghost can unerringly sense the direction and distance of any one of his Anchors. He may also determine the general “well being” of his Anchor (is it damaged, being stolen, etc.). He cannot determine the source of any harm that might be occurring to the Anchor, only that it is “suffering” that harm.
Exceptional Success: The ghost gains a vague awareness of the number of beings within 10 feet of his Anchor. If the Ghost is on familiar terms with any of those beings, the Ghost will know who they are.


**              Free Roam
                 Normally, a Ghost may only travel 10 yards per dot of their Base Power Attribute, away from their Anchors. With this power, a Ghost may travel a much greater distance away. Stories of Ghosts traveling miles, from their place of death, may be a result of this power.
          Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Strength + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost is unable to leave from where she is for one full turn.
Failure: The Ghost is unable to travel farther than she is normally able to.
Success: The ghost can double the distance that she is able to travel away from her Anchors per success scored.
Exceptional Success: The ghost may travel any distance that she desires, no matter how far it takes her from her Anchors.

***            Levitate
                 The Ghost may float in any direction, including up or down.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Dexterity + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost suffers -1 Speed for one full turn.
Failure: The ghost fails to activate this Numin
Success: The Ghost may move at a Speed equal to the number of successes scored.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.

****          Ghost-Walk
The Ghost may truly soar in any direction, without restriction. Some Ghosts have been known to achieve significant speed with this Numin, chasing down even victims that attempt to flee in vehicles.
Cost: 2 Essence
          Dice Pool: Dexterity + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost suffers -1 Speed for the Scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to activate the Numin.
Success: The Ghost may move at a Speed equal to the number of successes scored.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.

*****        Rematerialize
                  By focusing on his emotional connection to his Anchors, the Ghost may “ride” that wave of emotional energy, directly to one of his Anchors, without the normal exertion of its will. The Ghost will instantly appear within (Base Power x 10) yards of the Anchor. The greater the Ghosts attachment to the Anchor, the easier it is for him to “jump” to it. It is said that travel in this manner is not without risk, however. Stories persist of Ghosts that cast themselves into oblivion by invoking this Numin too frequently...
Cost: 2 Essence
          Dice Pool: Resolve + Pathos + Anchor rating
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost’s Corpus pulled between all of his Anchors at once, causing 1 Lethal Damage and “stunning” him for the scene
Failure: The Ghost fails to appear at his Anchor.
Success: The Ghost instantly appears within reach of his Anchor. Additionally, the Ghost is not required to spend Willpower to jump to it’s anchor, when this power is successfully used.
Exceptional Success: As above plus, the Ghost recovers one Essence, due to the synergy created between the Ghost and his Anchor.


*                Haze
The Ghost may manifest a hazy, indistinct image in physical world. This image has few features, only a vaguely humanoid shape. The ectoplasm is barely enough to be seen by most people.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Dexterity + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest and my not attempt to do so again for one turn.
Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest.
Success: The Ghost manifests a hazy, Shade-like image. The image is easily overlooked by mortals (-2 to Perception pools to notice the Manifestation).
Exceptional Success: The manifestation has a face that is recognizable as the character.


**              Unveiled
                  The Ghost may create enough ectoplasm to form a full image in the physical world. This image is slightly translucent but may be mistaken for another mortal.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Resolve + Pathos
          Action: Instant & Contested
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest and my not attempt to do so again for one turn.

Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest
Success: The Ghost manifests a full image in the physical world. This image is faintly translucent. Viewers may mistake it for another mortal is they fail to score a number of successes equal to those scored to activate this power.
Exceptional Success: The image appears to be a normal person. Only those with some form of supernatural perceptions have a chance to determine that the character is not real.


***            Phantom Touch
The Ghost may create enough ectoplasm to perform one instant, physical action in the physical world. This action can be writing a short note (with a handy writing utensil that may be lying about), making physical contact with a loved one or even striking a target.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Strength + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest the correct amount of Ectoplasm and suffers one Corpus in Lethal damage
Failure: The Ghost fails to generate the proper Ectoplasm
Success: The Ghost generates enough Ectoplasm to cause a limb to manifest in the physical world. The limb has physical stats equal to the Ghost’s normal stats and exists long enough to perform one instant action before the Ectoplasm dissipates.
Exceptional Success: The Ghost receives +1 to any die pools used for the instant action.

****          Revelation
The Ghost may generate enough Ectoplasm to cause another object in Twilight to be revealed. Stories are also told of Ghosts that caused creatures that had become invisible to be revealed.
Cost: 2 Essence
          Dice Pool: Presence + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to cause the object to be revealed and the target becomes “immune” to this power for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to generate enough Ectoplasm to cause the object to appear.
Success: The Ghost causes the object to become visible in the Physical world for a number of turns equal to the successes scored.
Exceptional Success: The ghost may cause the object to be come visible for the scene.

*****        Manifest
                  The Ghost may generate enough Ectoplasm to create a complete physical body. The body is real, for most purposes, though a check of the vitals will reveal the body to seemingly be a corpse. The body usually looks as the character did in life; however, some Ghosts seem to appear as they did in death. If the character’s body was destroyed at the time of death, the body appears horribly disfigured or even as if the damage is occurring to the body at that time.
Cost: 1 Essence +1 Willpower
          Dice Pool: Composure + Pathos
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to generate enough Ectoplasm to manifest its body and it cannot attempt to do so again for the Scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to manifest enough Ectoplasm to create its body.
Success: The Ghost manifests a full body in the physical world. The body looks and feels real but, to any who touch it, the body feels cold and dead. If the Ghost has suffered significant damage before activating this power, the Ghost’s body will appear as though it did in death. The more Corpus levels that the Ghost has lost; the more the Ghost appears as though it did in death.
Exceptional Success: The Ghosts body is indistinguishable from a living person. It appears as it did in it healthiest, just before death. Often the body appears as an idealized form from the collective memories of the Ghost and those that remember him.



*                Jitters
By taking fleeting control of a victims body, the Ghost may cause their muscles to contract or their body to shake, making difficult to perform many actions.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Strength + Pathos – victims Resolve
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim and suffers -1 die to attempts to do so again for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim’s body.
Success: The Ghost takes fleeting control of the victim’s muscles, causing uncontrolled shakes and spasms for a brief moment. Successes accumulated are subtracted from any die pools used by the target for one action, chosen by the Ghost. The modifier cannot be applied to a Reflexive action.
Exceptional Success: The modifiers are applied to all actions (except Reflexive actions) for a full turn.


**              Impulse
The Ghost may exert greater control over its victim’s body, causing him to perform one action of the Ghost’s choosing. The victim can be caused to do most anything that can be performed in one moment.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Strength + Pathos – victim’s Resolve
          Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim and suffers -1 die to attempts to do so again for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim.
Success: The Ghost may cause the victim to perform one instant action. Die pools for the action will use the victim’s physical traits but the Ghosts Mental or Social traits.
Exceptional Success: The Ghost gains +1 die on future attempts to use this power on the victim, for the remainder of the story.

***            Domination
                  The Ghost may now fully possess a victim. With sufficient effort, the Ghost may force the victim to perform most any action he chooses, though it is more difficult to force them to perform actions that would cause them harm.
Cost: 1 Essence
          Dice Pool: Resolve + Pathos vs victim’s Resolve + Composure + Supernatural Advantage
          Action: Resisted
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim and cannot attempt to do so again for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to possess the victim.
Success: The Ghost may control the victim for a number of turns equal to his Wits + Manipulation. Actions that are obviously harmful to the victim, suffer a negative modifier equal to the victims Resolve.
Exceptional Success: The Ghost may possess the victim for the rest of the scene and may cause the victim to perform any action, including those that would cause the victim harm, without penalty.
****          Exorcism
                  The Ghost may use its own power to force a possessing spirit out of another being or object. This power is primarily used by a Ghost to “evict” another from a mortal that it watches over but can be used on other types of spirits as well, though it is more difficult.
Cost: 1 Essence +1 Will
          Dice Pool: Manipulation + Pathos vs Spirit’s Resolve + Composure (or Resistance).
          Action: Resisted
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to exorcise the invading spirit and cannot be used on that target again for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The Ghost fails to exorcise the invading spirit.
Success: The Ghost forces the spirit to leave the possessed object or victim.
Exceptional Success: The Ghost forces the spirit to leave the possessed object or victim and the spirit cannot attempt to possess the target again for one full day. Additionally, any attempts by other spirits to possess the target will incur a -1 modifier.

*****        Skin-Riding
                  With the ultimate expression of this power, a Ghost may possess a victim for quite some time. Some Ghosts possess victims to experience their old lives or even any life, in order to remember what the left behind.
Cost: 2 Essence +1 each day that the possession continues
          Dice Pool: Resolve + Pathos vs victim’s Willpower
          Action: Resisted
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim and cannot attempt to do so again for one full day.
Failure: The Ghost fails to affect the victim.
Success: The Ghost possesses the victim and retains complete control over the subject’s actions. Depending on the subjects Willpower, they may not be fully aware of what occurs while they are possessed.
Exceptional Success: The Ghost may remain within the victim with no additional cost in Essence.


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